Saturday, December 14, 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019


Mostly the tedious and slow work of pre-finishing during the days I have to work on it.

Did stop and throw together a router table to speed up the process.

So now planks and frame pieces are at least initially coated, and the assembly will begin.

Building of frame pieces beginning

Monday, October 21, 2019

Let the gluing begin

Finally getting started on actually putting the kit together. Had to clear out 1/3 of the barn to create the build space.

Build frame first;

The one piece that was not shipped with the kit form J.O. Woodworks was the bottom. This was because the 8' piece would have added on considerably to the shipping cost.
So I went out and picked up a 9mm sheet. John did send the puzzle joint jig that I need and even sent the router bit to do the job as well as the pattern for the bottom.

I first put the pattern on a couple of door skins in order to feel comfortable with placement on 9mm sheet.

The routing then went off without a hitch;

I now have a lot of gluing to do for the planks and need to use the space to do that so will not be able to start the frames until after. I will post more then.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Reviving this Blog for the Welsford's SEI oar/sail boat build

I still have a ways to go before actually starting to put it together as it is intended to be a Winter's project, but the kit came from J.O. Woodworks, so this is the official beginning.

It is a combination oar or sail double ended boat based on the small boats of Southern Norway.

Named after the SEI, one of the true whales, is also the fastest swimmer of the deep sea, being capable of speeds up to 30miles and hour.